jeudi 17 mai 2012

Diferrence between United States and France.

* In New York when I smoke on the street and someone ask me on cigarette, he gives me $1, while in my country when someone ask me one cigarette, no more, just asking.

* When I went in San Diego, see my family, to say "hello" it's not like in my country where we do two kisses; in America we hug to say "hello" to the person in the family. For me it's strange because normally when I hug someone it's just for say "I like you" or something like that.

* In my country when I'm going to restaurant or store, the server or seller says just "hello". Here, in New York when I enter in restaurant or store the server or seller, say "Hello, how are you ?", it's always like this. I was surprise the first time, but now it is natural for me.

When I come back to my country it will be difficult about the difference between the United States and France.

jeudi 9 février 2012

The white lady

The White Lady is the epitome of a woman died a violent death
It was a woman who wearing a white dress.
People who have seen this woman, around midnight, she was alone. She asked help.
When a car stop to helped her, she kills the person.
And after that, suddenly she disappears without trace.

mercredi 1 février 2012

"A story about your week end"

Thursday night my friends organized a bus party for my birthday.

Friday I'm going to Mahnattan because my sister arrived yesterday.
Tonight I'm buying food and we are eating in the hotel watching a movie.

Saturday afternoon, I'm visiting, SoHo, Chinatown, Brooklyn Bridge and Little Italy.
At night, I'm going to club, because my sister is leaving sunday and I want to enfoy it.

Sunday, I went to Times Square and Central Park. After that I returned in Hotel with my sister. We took a Taxi and he stopped at A Grand Central. It was hard to say goodbye..